Grand Cru Domaine de la Romanee-Conti 2006 la Tache AOC Francja Pinot Noir Cena: 6000 Alk: 13,00% Kolor: cz Ocena: 7 Nr 4524 www
|  | sstar&let (2009-12-24)     Chyba pierwsza gwiazda ju¿ pojawi³a siê na niebie... choæ jeszcze nie u nas;) Czas na prezent na gwiazdkê. Nie, nie dosta³em la Tache pod choinkê, a szkoda;) Mogê jedynie podzieliæ siê z Wami wra¿eniami z jej degustacji. Wiem, ¿e wielu z nas wstydliwie kryje flaszkê latasz gdzie¶ w mrokach piwnicy za jak±¶ pi³k± do kosza. Ci co nigdy nie grali w NBA o latasz mog± sobie jedynie pomarzyæ ew. poczytaæ;) Wino marzeñ. Wywo³uje sporo emocji. Deo i Weinr próbowali si³± mnie zmusiæ do przedwczesnych wynurzeñ o tej legendzie. Markiz mnie zrozumie. Nie jest to jednak takie proste mój ma³y...Zderzenie z legend± mo¿e rozczarowaæ, choæ nie musi. Si³y co prawda brak, a nastroje dekandenckie. Moulin Rouge z dawnych czasów. A¿ gêsto od perfum, pi¿ma. Gra w klasy Cortazara, w³óczêga po Pary¿u. Stare czasy. Ja ju¿ tego niestety nie pamiêtam. Pamiêtam za¶ dojrza³o¶æ, delikatno¶æ i subtelno¶æ. Smak winogron, zbieranych o zachodzie s³oñca. Ewolucjê ¶wietnego owocu, który mo¿na znale¼æ w lesie. Po³o¿yæ by siê chcia³o na jakiej¶ polanie, a mo¿e na ³±ce, najlepiej w mi³ym towarzystwie, poczuæ aromat poszycia le¶nego i kwiatów, oddech dziczy...;) Kto¶ kogo przodkowie byli z pewno¶ci± dumnymi mieszkañcami Afryki zapyta³ o jaki¶ eksperyment przy produkcji la Tache ze ¶wietnego 2005 rocznika. Jaki zapytacie? Nie wiem. Wy pewno siê dowiecie;) Aubert de Villaine skwapliwie pochwali³ pytanie, dziwi±c siê nieco erudycji pytaj±cego, doceniaj±c j± stwierdzeniem: O, vous etes experte!. ¯a³owa³em, ¿e to nie ja je zada³em. Mo¿e nastêpnym razem, za rok. Wtedy lepiej siê przygotujê... @Grains Nobles
star (2015-08-18) Jak ewoluowa³a la Tache vs Gaudichots dowiecie siê u Wine Hoga. La Tâche is one of the most legendary vineyards in Burgundy, and was ranked as one of the very best vineyards in Burgundy by Lavalle and is perhaps only surpassed by Romanee-Conti. It was therefore very attractive to sell the wines of Les Gaudichots under the La Tâche name.
During the last part of the 19th century the owners of Les Gaudichot began to use the term La Tache when selling wines from Les Gaudichot. The background for this was most likely commercial, but it was also based on the fact that large parts of Les Gaudichots, were named Tâche Gaudichots or Tâche Gaudichottée in title deeds. The situation resembles the case of Les Richebourg and Les Verroilles ou Richebourg, where the borders between the vineyards were somewhat diluted over time – and finally they were merged.
The use of the La Tâche name finally became too much for the owner of the original part of La Tache – La Tâche Joly de Bévy. The dispute were settled in lawsuit in 1932 – and the court ruled that the name La Tache could also be used for wines from the main part of Les Gaudchots. wino4524#527151  star (2014-01-11) Amsti wyszpera³ tak± opiniê WS o warzywno¶ci 1993 la Tache DRC, wiêc dorzucê mo¿e Parkera i K&L z (pralinka) KLWines. Co ciekawe Parker kaza³ piæ do 2010, a w 2012 WS mimo wszystko siê zachwyci³. Widaæ nierówne butelkowanie, jak czasami w Biedronce;-)95 points Wine Spectator
The nose evidences a slight floral quality, and a fascinating mix of earth, leather, tea and spice notes plus an interesting green bark component. The slightly austere, tannic, wonderfully rich flavors are dense, in fact extremely dense with excellent depth and terrific complexity and a finish that seems to go on forever. Though there are now hints of secondary aromas, this remains very young, structured and remarkably intense. When you get the right bottle, the '93 can be a real stunner. Note: the inconsistency of this wine continues unabated as a bottle opened at the Domaine recently was almost aggressively vegetal and awkward. In short, when it's good it's very good but I've now had too many disappointing bottles not to be wary. (1/ 2012)
90 points Robert Parker's Wine Advocate
As usual, La Tache reveals the most saturated deep ruby color of the DRC's, a tight but promising nose of smoky, game-like aromas intertwined with red and black fruits, minerals, and vanillin from new oak. Medium to full-bodied, with sweet, concentrated, berry fruit, this tannic, spicy, backward wine appears to possess the requisite extraction to ensure a long, positive evolution. Give it 7-10 years of cellaring and drink it over the following 12-15 years. The DRC's 1993s possess the vintage's toughness, tannic structure, austerity, and aging potential. They will not be flattering to drink in their youth, and most will require 6-10 years of cellaring. Typical of the vintage, they appear to be the most tannic and structured wines made at this domaine since 1983. (8/ 1995)
K&L Notes
95 points Wine Spectator: "Light red. Beautiful nose, very youthful and pure. A vegetal note emerges with air. Packed with dense fruit and marked by a very firm structure of both acidity and dense tannins. The fruit is locked up right now in this massive, powerful La Tâche. Rather than open in the glass, this appears to close up, but have faith; this will be great." (06/06) 90 points Robert Parker: "As usual, La Tache reveals the most saturated deep ruby color of the DRC's, a tight but promising nose of smoky, game-like aromas intertwined with red and black fruits, minerals, and vanillin from new oak. Medium to full-bodied, with sweet, concentrated, berry fruit, this tannic, spicy, backward wine appears to possess the requisite extraction to ensure a long, positive evolution. Give it 7-10 years of cellaring and drink it over the following 12-15 years." (08/95)
wino4524#49405 star (2014-01-10) La Tache trafi³o do Polski do Domu Wina (sk±d fotka) jak informuj± na DeoBloxie (pralinka) w noworocznych pisankach. Po kolei: o ile stwierdzenia "jedno z najs³ynniejszych win burgundzkich" i "legenda legend" jeszcze ujd±, to "drugie wino najs³ynniejszej posiad³o¶ci ¶wiata" ju¿ raczej nie, "drugie wino" to w winiarstwie pojecie do¶æ dok³adnie okre¶lone (choæ nieformalne) i La Tache w ¿aden sposób nie mo¿na nazwaæ "drugim winem", co do najs³ynniejszo¶ci DRC - pow±tpiewam, choæ nie wiem, czy by³y przeprowadzone na ca³ym ¶wiecie jakie¶ wiarygodne badania, która posiad³o¶æ mo¿e nosiæ to zaszczytne miano. "W nosie nieco kwiatów i fascynuj±ca mieszanka ziemi, skóry, herbaty i przypraw" - ma³o zachêcaj±ce, ale dobra. W kolejnym zdaniu (?) za to pojawiaj± siê "taniczne aromaty o niezwyk³ej gêsto¶ci" i tu ju¿ muszê zaprotestowaæ, bo aromaty, nawet gdy "cudownie bogate", taniczne byæ nie mog±. Co do doboru potraw te¿ mam w±tpliwo¶ci, ale siê na tym za bardzo nie znam, wiêc tylko wyra¿ê zdziwienie, ¿e do tak wyrafinowanego wina proponuje siê "gulasz wo³owy" i nie¶mia³o zapytam, dlaczego pier¶ kaczki bêdzie cacy, a udko - be. Kropkê nad "i" stawia "Marek Boñczyk". Tak, TEN Boñczyk (prawid³owo napisane nazwisko wystêpuje na ok³adce Czasu Wina), który jednak, jak wynika z jego zapisu na Winicjatywie , tego La Tache prawdopodobnie nie pi³. wino4524#49399  star (2013-09-11) Ciekawa historia posiad³o¶ci (pralinka) plus zwi±zki la Tache z Gaudichots Foreya.Domaine de la Romanée-Conti
The domaine traces its history back to the monks of the Priory of St. Vincent who were bestowed the vineyard from the Dukes of Burgundy two centuries earlier. In 1232 they donated 1.8 hectares of land known as Cros des Clous to the local Abbey of Saint-Vivant, now known as Romanée-St-Vivant.
In 1631 it was sold to the de Croonembourg family who changed the name to "Romanée" and acquired the adjacent vineyard of "La Tâche" (which literally translates as "task".) The origin of the word "Romanée" is uncertain, perhaps in deference to the Romans? We may never know.
Throughout the 18th century its wines became renowned but in 1760 André de Croonembourg decided to sell the domaine. A fierce battle of ownership ensued between the king's mistress, Marquise de Pompadour and her nemesis Louis-François de Bourgon, Prince de Conti, first cousin of Louis XV, whom she had exiled from the royal court at Versailles. It was Conti who became the proud owner of the most esteemed vineyard in Burgundy for the princely sum of 8,000 livres, for which Conti duly appended his name. Henceforth Romanée-Conti and La Tâche were under separate ownership.
However the Prince de Conti decided to keep all the wine for his own personal consumption, to the chagrin of virtually every person in France, who responded by their deification of La Tâche instead. La Tâche was purchased by the Marey family in 1791, who already owned plots in Romané-Saint-Vivant, although at that time it only covered 1.5 hectares.
Fortunately for everyone except Conti (who eventually died in exile in Spain) the Romanée-Conti vineyard was sequestered by the State in 1793 and the bien nationale was eventually purchased by the Parisian Nicolas Defer de la Nouerre who sold it in 1819 to former banker of Napoléon, Julien Ouvrard for 78,000 francs, triple the value of Chambertin or indeed La Tâche. Ouvrard also owned the entire climat of Clos-de-Vougeot and vinified the wine there.
In 1869 it was sold again to Mon. Duvault-Blochet who Clive Coates MW desribes as "probably the most important vineyard-owner Burgundy has seen since the Revolution" He expanded the domaine's holdings, purchasing vines in neighbouring Grand Cru`s such as Richebourg, Grand Echézeaux and Echézeaux. He was honoured in the exceptional vintages of 1999 and 2002 by having a special cuvée named after him.
Up until the 1930`s, part of La Tâche was labeled as Les Gaudichots. Les Gaudichots was absorbed into La Tâche in 1936 after several lawsuits. In 1966, Domaine de la Romanée-Conti took over management of holdings by the Marey-Monge family (you can sometimes find the name mentioned on bottles to the confusion of many) and in 1988 they bought it outright. wino4524#48579 star (2013-02-18) Ale nie trzeba próbowaæ DRC aby wyrobiæ sobie jak smakuje burgund, niekoniecznie taki z redukcj± i jad±cy wiejskim podwórkiem;-) Porównaæ go z Pinotem z USA te¿ mo¿na, bo o tym tu mowa. Niekoniecznie Marcassin, bo tego i ja sam nie próbowa³em i mo¿e nigdy nie spróbujê, jak balon poszed³ w górê. wino4524#46858 polaczek (2013-02-18) Zawistny oczywi¶cie, jak to polaczek. Sêk w tym, ¿e tych wszystkich grainnoblesów itd, 90% tutejszych czytelników nigdy nie spróbuje, jest to wiêc gadanie trochê do ¶lepego - przepraszam, do "widz±cego inaczej" - o kolorach. wino4524#46854 star (2013-02-17) Z tego co pisze na (pralinka) w tek¶cie Helen of Joy Mike Steinberger by wynika³o, ¿e te wina od Marcassin mul± (cloying) jak te od Kena Wrighta:
In fact, the wines were terrible. The whites were typically overblown California chardonnays—too ripe, too fat, too oaky. They were charmless and exhausting. But the Marcassin pinots were in their own special category of vileness. These were cloying, completely disjointed wines that exhibited almost no varietal character. For a moment, I found myself wondering, only partially in jest, if Turley had mistakenly bottled her Martinelli zinfandels in the Marcassin bottles. The pinots were hideous confections, their inadequacy underscored by a vertical tasting of Domaine Dujac’s brilliant Clos de la Roche that was held the same weekend. I was fairly new to wine writing at the time, and I recall being shocked that Parker had compared one of the Marcassin pinots to a Clos de la Roche. Looking back, I think this was the moment I first began to question the whole Parker thing. It was bad enough that he thought so highly of these execrable wines, but to liken one of them to a Clos de la Roche? Apart from being derived from the same grape, the Marcassin pinots had nothing in common with red Burgundies. Sure, taste is subjective, but this was like comparing, oh, peanut butter to lobster—it made no sense.
A do win Romanee Conti jak i do Pinota czy Nebbiolo chyba siê dojrzewa z czasem. A potem ciê¿ko wróciæ. wino4524#46850 star (2013-02-17) Komentarz w sprawie la Tache i Marcassin z bloga (pralinka) Dr Vino.
Incidentally, Meadows found the 2006 DRCs “indeed quite impressive as the natural elegance of the vintage and the traditional vinification approach melded to produce wonderfully aromatic and refined wines.” He called the 06 La Tache a “don’t miss!”
Tak siê szczê¶liwie sk³ada, ¿e próbowa³em la Tache 2006 i rzeczywi¶cie co do aromatyki tego wina to "wow"! Z drugiej strony nie próbowa³em jeszcze nigdy wielkiego Pinota z USA (pralinka) choæ niektóre mia³y takie ambicje jak na przyk³ad te od Kena Wrighta a skoñczy³o siê marnie. Ponoæ niez³e pinoty Duckhorn robi. A ze SW wynika, ¿e nie najgorsze Pisoni, Lato, Rodney Strong czy Robert Stemmler. Có¿ trzeba cierpliwie czekaæ, a¿ kto¶ ze znajomych poczêstuje tym Marcassin;-) wino4524#46848 star (2013-02-17) Marcassin i la Tache z 2006. Które lepsze? Odpowied¼ p³ynie z blogu (pralinka) gdzie opublikowano kontrowersyjny newsletter Marcassin, w którym Turley i Wetlaufer z Marcassin degustuj± swoje wina z Parkerem porównuj±c je ze s³abym, co by nie powiedzieæ rocznikiem w Burgundii i muszê przyznaæ, ¿e w porównaniu z 2008 i na pewno 2009 s³abszym nieco la Tache. A jak dodamy, ¿e zaczêto wtedy mieszaæ nowe nasadzenia la Tache ze starymi to ³atwo domy¶leæ siê, ¿e jednak musia³o to trochê wp³yn±æ na jako¶æ.
wino4524#46847  star (2011-01-24) O la Tache i les Gaudichots jak to drzewiej bywa³o poczytacie u Christie's. Przy okazji zapraszam do konkursu: "G jak...". Nie trzeba, choæ mo¿na siê logowaæ! wino4524#25327 star (2010-12-04) S³abo jako¶ zgadujecie;) Podpowiem wiêc, ¿e chodzi o posiad³o¶æ. A dok³adniej la Tache i la Romanee, które s± oddzielone... no w³a¶nie, czym? 40 lat dla winoro¶li podobno wystarczy, pó¼niej s³abe jakie¶ s± ju¿ te winogrona. Choæ s± wyj±tki: Vieilles Vignes Francaises czy Provignage. wino4524#23273 star (2010-12-04) Zagadka. Co dzieli posiad³o¶æ Romanee Conti? W zesz³ym roku powyrywali stare krzaki w la Tache, trzeba bêdzie ze trzy lata poczekaæ. Mniej bêdzie wina, wiêc pewno bêdzie dro¿sze:) wino4524#23265 sstar&let (2009-12-28) Nie tylko by³y koszykarz Deo ow³adniêty jest ¿±dz± la Tache, cyt. z w±tku wina naszych marzeñ: No có¿, bêdê banalny jak Merlot z Veneto (taki ¶redniowieczny rycerz :-): La Tache 1990 - 100 PP, wiêc dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu: s³ynne La Tache z dobrego rocznika i setka Parkera (jeszcze nie do¶wiadczy³em). W Decanterze dla odmiany wybrali sobie inny rocznik: La Tache, Domaine de la Romanee-Conti 1978
1978 La Tache is noted by Robert Parker as: 'among the greatest red burgundies I have ever tasted', while Huon Hooke says it is, 'all about fragrance, finesse and balance'. Romanée-Conti's exclusively-owned monopolie vineyard, the 6ha La Tache, is the domaine's largest. Yet it produces just 1880 cases a year. While the productions are miniscule - and, at 20-25hl/ha, massively concentrated - the prices are huge. Rarely anything but spectacular and fascinating, says Burgundy expert Anthony Hanson. wino4524#13702 sstar&let (2009-12-28) Aubert de Villaine przestrzega³ przy okazji degustacji rocznika 2005 Romanee Conti, aby nie narzekaæ na lekkie noty papryki, poniewa¿ s± one gwarantem piêknego ró¿anego aromatu, który rozwinie siê w tym 2005 po pewnym czasie, tak ze 20 lat mu da³. Bia³y pieprz te¿ siê pojawia³ w notkach.\, zgadujê, ¿e Davida Rayera, specjalisty od Mozeli! A nie, to jednak Vincent Morin w akcji! Wiêcej o degustacji rocznika 2005 (ech, szkoda, ¿e mnie tam nie by³o!) znajdziecie na stronach Grains Nobles. La Tache (si³a, z³o¿ono¶æ przy niezwyk³ej ³agodno¶ci i równowadze!) podobnie jak Le Montrachet dosta³y oceny prawie maksymalne, 19.5/20, ciut ni¿ej uplasowa³o siê wspomniane wcze¶niej le Romanee Conti. Tymczasem fotka Wielkiej Trójki w wyra¼nie s³abszym kolejnym roczniku. wino4524#13694
Wina Domaine de la Romanee-..: Prince Florent de Merode, Gran.. 2009 Echezeaux Pinot Noir 2009 Grands Echezeaux Pinot N.. 2009 Romanee Saint Vivant Pin.. Grand Cru 2009 Richebourg Pino.. Monopole 2009 la Tache Pinot N.. Grand Cru 2009 la Romanee Cont.. Romanee Conti 2008 Romanee Con.. 2008 Echezeaux Pinot Noir 2008 Grands Echezeaux Pinot N.. Grand Cru 2008 la Tache Pinot .. Grand Cru 2008 Richebourg Pino.. Grand Cru 2008 Romanee Saint-V.. le Montrachet 2008 Montrachet .. 2006 Echezeaux Pinot Noir 2006 Grands Echezeaux Pinot No.. Marey-Monge 2006 Romanee Saint-.. 2006 Richebourg Pinot Noir Grand Cru 2006 la Tache Pinot N.. le Montrachet 2006 Montrachet C.. Romanee Conti 2006 Romanee Cont.. 2005 Montrachet Chardonnay 2002 Romanee Saint-Vivant Pino.. 2002 Romanee Saint-Vivant Pino.. Romanee Conti 1999 Romanee Cont.. 1996 Grands Echezeaux Pinot No.. 1996 Echezeaux Pinot Noir Romanee Conti 1976 Romanee Con.. Romanee Conti 1964 Romanee Cont.. Najmniejsza apelacja? Romanee ..