
Il Poggione 2003
Brunello di Montalcino DOCG
Sangiovese Grosso
Cena: 119
Alk: 14,50%
Kolor: cz
Ocena: 6
Nr 7077

wein-r (2009-05-29)
Owoc wyra¼ny (wi¶nie), ale i wyra¼nie przypalony. Dym i ogólny "dym" w nosie i ustach (rozgardiasz, k³opoty z równowag±). W budowie zbyt ¶ci¶niête, taniny za suche. Wino jednak smaczne (lub co najmniej wybitnie pijalne ;-). No i ten kolor ju¿ br±zowawy niepokoi... Czy/jak to wino bêdzie dojrzewaæ? Na pewno zas³uguje na 5 z plusem. Dam jednak 6, bo to podobno jedno z lepszych BdM z trudnego rocznika 2003, i mimo osobistego rozczarowania dzi¶, warto po¶wiêciæ mu, uwa¿am, nieco uwagi w przysz³o¶ci. @Salute

star (2012-09-26)
Marek wspomnia³ zakup Il Poggione 1975 wino2807#44138 wiêc z ciekawo¶ci zajrza³em ile to kosztuje (pralinka) i wychodzi, ¿e ¶rednio ok. 400z³, ale ju¿ za 330z³ kupi siê na miejscu w Na Cellar Trackerze opisano je tak (pralinka)
Community Tasting Notes (average 91.7 pts. and median of 93 pts. in 4 notes) - hiding notes with no text

Tasted by Uffo2 on 7/9/2012 & rated 89 points: Quite over the top, and the nose was old barn and cheese. But the taste evolved greatly over the couple of hours of consuming. Nice berries and fruit - which made it hard to believe that this wine was 37 years old. A great experience, which I can truly recommend. But don't be confused of the nose. (440 views)

Tasted by NiklasW on 10/2/2010 & rated 93 points: Oh wow, this was really fantastic. Lots of tertiary characteristics, red berries, licorice, and just so good. Can't describe the bouquet and taste adequately, but I loved it. In my opinion better than the 1975 Barolo I had earlier this year, which was bought from the same place as this. Easily lasted the three hours we enjoyed this over dinner. Evolved nicely during the first 30 min in the decanter, after which it stayed the same until the last glass. (1084 views)

Tasted by Lando78 on 6/14/2010: Absolutely awesome, still not over the top. (1132 views)

Tanzer te¿ próbowa³, ale nie wiadomo co sobie o nim my¶li. Czy nie ma lepszych i tañszych starych Brunello? Chyba, ¿e o rocznik chodzi³o, pewno urodzin.


marek (2012-09-26)
ja nie mia³em do wyboru ró¿nych starych Brunello i wybra³em akurat to.
Po prostu to by³o akurat dostêpne za rozs±dne dla mnie pieni±dze wiêc siê skusi³em. Czy by³o warto to siê dopiero oka¿e ;)


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